224.640 MHz( - ) PL 123.0 Hz

Vancouver Washington


This repeater runs 20 watts out to a 7 Db gain antenna 30 feet above ground. It is located in East Clark County at 1800 feet. This repeater is at the same site as, and linked to The 442.375 Repeater.


The best coverage area is Vancouver/ Portland...,

Here is a plot that estimates the Mobile Coverage Area of the 224.640 repeater.


This repeater is usually linked to FIVE other repeaters:
145.370--------Vancouver WA. repeater
440.375 ---------Longview WA. repeater
441.375 --------------Salem OR. repeater
442.375 --------Vancouver WA. repeater
444.875 ------------Randle WA. repeater


For more information about repeater access, or etc. email

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