441.375+ 123Hz pl tone

AB7F --- Salem Repeater




Here are some pictures taken from the Salem Site.

Here is our DB 420 antenna mounted on the 120 foot tower.
This is the Salem 441.375. GE Mastr II, 40 Watt, ACC-RC 96 controller, Sinclair duplexer, Icom 2 meter & 70cm remote base.
Here is the GE radio door opened up.
The antenna is assembled and ready to go up.
Getting ready for the antenna to go up.
Installing the mount for the antenna.
"CAN you guys pull any more!!" - Hours of work!!
Finally after hours of exhausting work our tower man made it fall in its mount!
Here is what Mt Hood looks like from the Salem repeater site.
Mt. Jefferson
The Three Sisters
The Three Sisters ZOOMED IN
Albany Oregon / Mill.
I - 5 Freeway - - 10 miles SSE

Here are PLOT#1, PLOT#2 and PLOT#3 showing the access area for the 441.375 - Salem Repeater.

For more information please email

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